Mindy Gledhill Mindy Gledhill - Picture Show

Way up high in my tree
We would climb to get a peak at the drive-in movie screen
Watching people from afar
Cozied up inside their cars
Underneath a web of summer stars

Fireflies flicker by
In a scene where Gregory Peck catches Audrey Hepburn's eye
You look at me the moment that I'm staring
Darling, do I dare to say the one thing I want you to know?

If life's a picture show
I want to sit with you on the back row
In the film projector's glow
While we kiss on the lips as the credits roll

In my mind I create
My own movie with my grandfather's vintage Super 8
I write a script where you will be
The dashing boy who's after me
And maybe we could make this story a reality because

If life's a picture show
I want to sit with you on the back row
In the film projector's glow
While we kiss on the lips as the credits roll

I'd like to play the part of your leading lady
With a heart that's bravely beating
Frame by frame in time repeating

If life's a picture show
I want to sit with you on the back row
In the film projector's glow
While we kiss on the lips as the credits roll